Marketplace FAQ

Getting Started & Registering

  1. How do I get started?
  2. Do I have to register to create and use toolbars?
  3. About registering


  1. Plugin information
  2. How to add plugins to my toolbar
  3. Why is my language not supported?
  4. I would like to add my own plugin


  1. I want to create a toolbar
  2. How do I use my toolbar?
  3. Difference between public and private toolbars
  4. I want to edit my toolbar
  5. Deleting toolbars


  1. Search function
  2. Search tags


Getting Started & Registering

  1. How do I get started?

    In order to create your own toolbar using the plugins available, you must first register. Then select the plugins desired from the plugins page and save the toolbar. To use your toolbar any where add the toolbar link to your bookmarks.

  2. Do I have to register to create and use toolbars?

    You do not have to register to use the public toolbars from the toolbars page. However, if you wish to create your own customised toolbar you will need to register.

  3. About registering

    You will need to create a username which is used to login along with a secure password of between 6 and 14 characters. The name field is used on public pages such as authors of toolbars and plugins.


  1. Plugin information

    Each plugin has a title, a version number, a description, the user whom created it and the languages that it supports.

  2. How to add plugins to my toolbar

    Simply select the install button either in the plugins list or from the individual plugin page.

  3. Why is my language not supported?

    We currently only support a small number of languages due to the cost and complexity of translating and supporting each language. We may look to support your language in the future.

  4. I would like to add my own plugin

    Currently we do not support users adding their own plugins. In the future this function should be available. If you would like to contact us with your idea we would be happy to discuss it.


  1. I want to create a toolbar

    You must be registered to create your own toolbar. Once you are simply select plugins from the plugins list then name and save it.

  2. How do I use my toolbar?

    Select the toolbar you wish to use from your toolbar list. Then add the Install bookmark to your bookmarks bar. Any time you wish to use the functions in the toolbar, just select the toolbar bookmark and the toolbar will load.

  3. Difference between public and private toolbars

    Public toolbars are listed to everyone, registered or not, and private toolbars are only listed to the owners.

  4. I want to edit my toolbar

    Currently toolbar editing is not supported. If you wish to change your toolbar you can delete and re-make it.

  5. Deleting toolbars

    Deleting toolbars will permanently remove them and the bookmark link will not work.


  1. Search function

    The search function looks for search tags in plugins and toolbars. The search results as display the plugins followed by the toolbars with the search term.

  2. Search function

    Tags are selected when creating toolbars and are already included in plugins. These are used to find others plugins or toolbars with the same tags. Tags on both toolbar and plugin pages are selectable and will search that tag when selected.