1. How do I download ATbar?
  2. Which version of ATbar should I download?
  3. ATkit
    1. What is ATkit
    2. How do I add modules to my ATbar


  1. How do I download ATbar?

    Simply visit the ATbar website and navigate to the download page.

  2. Which version of ATbar should I download?

    There is no need to decide which version of ATbar to download. Depending on the browser you are using you will be given the appropriate installer.

  3. ATkit

    1. What is ATkit?

      ATkit is additional modules you can add to customise your ATbar. You can find many different additions in the ATkit Market Place.

    2. How do I add modules to my ATbar?

      Now you really are a bit ahead of the game as this has not yet been decided! However, please let us know of any ideas you may have – Just contact us with any thoughts on the subject.